Soul Song
Integrative Bodywork

Continuing Education


Imagine being able to support the entire body in its return to balance by working solely with the feet or hands. Reflexology is an ancient and time-honored therapeutic technique which does just that. Specific areas of the feet and hands ‘reflex’ distant aspects of the body, sending a signal to return to equilibrium and bringing about relaxation, healing and balance. Pain is eased, nerves are calmed, circulation is returned to a free-flowing norm and the entire body is harmonized. It enables us to gain and maintain good health in a natural way, revitalizing and rejuvenating ourselves. 

Healthcare Professionals: envision being able to quickly and effectively create relaxation for your clients and patients. Begin any treatment with reflexology and prime the entire body for whatever comes next whether that is a full body massage, a manicure, pedicure, or simply putting a client or patient at ease. LMTs: If reflexology was a part of your educational path in becoming a massage therapist, this is a great refresher course. If not, you'll learn the vital basics. 

This introductory training offers: an overview of reflexology basics including history, benefits, cautions/contraindications, foot maps indicating reflex points, a demonstration of the elements of a basic reflexology session, supervised, hands-on practice giving and receiving reflexology techniques that can be put into practice with clients and patients, or used as self-care. Participants also receive an introductory manual including all of the above-mentioned information.

Date/Time: This class can be brought to you if you have a space large enough to hold it, at least 6 participants, and one massage table for every 2 students.

Location: See above guidelines to schedule a class in your area. Curriculum for all classes is portable and can be tailor-made for massage schools, licensed healthcare providers, laypeople, organizations, or corporations wanting to introduce healing modalities to consumers or staff. 

Tuition: $80

Registration: Contact Hallie

Prerequisite: None. Please note: This course is intended for massage therapists and licensed healthcare professionals who have a working knowledge of the anatomy of the feet.  

Continuing Education Credits: 4 NCBTMB & 4 NYS continuing education credits available for this training.

Information: For more information, contact Hallie.


Reiki is an energy work modality which has captured the attention of allopathic medicine, complementary healthcare, and consumers worldwide. It has been featured on popular medical T.V. programming, such as The Dr. Oz Show, introduced into hospital operating and recovery rooms, M.D and chiropractic offices. An ancient, hands-on healing technique, Reiki is capable of deeply stimulating the relaxation response, and holistically supporting the body in its own innate power to self-correct and restore health and well-being.

This training places you in the center of the growing spotlight of public and professional interest in Reiki and empowers you with the tools and techniques necessary to be more versatile in successfully addressing client concerns. Reiki is also one of the few energy work modalities which includes a self-healing protocol, providing you with a rejuvenating practice of self-care.

This 8 hour class introduces the basics of Reiki including:

  • A Level One attunement which allows you to channel Reiki energy to heal self and others.
  • Information on the history and origin of Reiki.
  • Introduction to energy anatomy.
  • Indications/benefits of Reiki.
  • How to most productively support health conditions and successfully address symptoms.
  • Working with clients – the spectrum of possible healing responses.
  • Training in the elements of Reiki treatment for both self and others.
  • Hands-on instruction and practice devoted to giving and receiving a Reiki Level One session.
  • A resource list of traditional medical settings where Reiki is being offered/practiced.
  • A detailed training manual including all of the above-mentioned information for future reference.
  • Reiki Level One certificate of completion

DATE/TIME: This class can be brought to you if you have a space large enough to hold it, at least 6 participants, and one massage table for every 2 students.

Location: See above guidelines to schedule a class in your area. Curriculum for all classes is portable and can be tailor-made for massage schools, licensed healthcare providers, laypeople, organizations, or corporations wanting to introduce healing modalities to consumers or staff.

Tuition: $225

Registration: Contact Hallie.

Prerequisite: None

Continuing Education Credits: 8 NCBTMB continuing education credits available for this training.

Information: For more information, contact Hallie.


Essential oils are everywhere! Yet, most of us have limited knowledge of how to harness the healing magic of these amazing extracts. Understand how to easily and safely create your own essential oil products to effectively address common problems such as muscle pain, inflammation, burns, acne, common cold symptoms and more. Learn the facts that are vital to working safely and successfully with essential oils. This class will cover general basics including safety guidelines and dilution formulas for healthy adults, pregnant women, elders and chronically ill folks. Dilution deals with how much essential oil safely dilutes into a quantity of carrier to create a product that has therapeutic value, is nontoxic for the person in question and effective for the circumstances being addressed. Students will also learn dilution guidelines for situations such as injury, accident and trauma and in what limited circumstances essential oils can be applied without dilution. The class ends with hands-on practice in which students have the opportunity to use aromatherapy supplies provided to make and take a product home.

What sets this class apart from other aromatherapy training? Aromatherapy is an unregulated field: anyone can practice or teach, regardless of their level of training. Hallie is nationally certified in Holistic Aromatherapy, and has been practicing as a certified aromatherapist since 2002, pursuing a clinical aromatherapy path since 2005. She taught the essential oil curriculum at Finger Lakes School of Massage for 10 years and her classes are approved for continuing education credit through both New York State and the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork.

DATE/TIME: This class can be brought to you if you have a space large enough to hold it, at least 6 participants, and table space to seat all students.

Location: See above guidelines to schedule a class in your area. Curriculum for all classes is portable and can be tailor-made for massage schools, licensed healthcare providers, laypeople, organizations, or corporations wanting to introduce healing modalities to consumers or staff.

Tuition: $80 (plus $10 material fee payable to instructor on day of training)

Registration: Contact Hallie

Prerequisite: None. All are welcome: licensed professionals and general public wanting to know about how to be safe & effective with essential oil use!

Continuing Education Credits: 4 NCBTMB & 4 NYS continuing education credits available for this training.

Information: For more information, contact Hallie.


The second level of Reiki training offers tools and techniques to help deepen your practice of this simple and effective energy work modality. Sacred Reiki symbols, instruction on their use in sessions, as stand-alone techniques, and in distance healing are introduced. The Level Two attunement empowers you to use these sacred symbols to further boost the healing potential of the Reiki energy for self and others.

This training places you in the center of the growing spotlight of public and professional interest in Reiki and increases your effectiveness and versatility as a Reiki practitioner.

The 8 hour Level Two class includes:

  • A Level Two attunement which enhances the Reiki energy flowing through you.
  • Introduction of 3 Reiki symbols.
  • Instruction in how to use the symbols to focus the healing power of Reiki.
  • Techniques to enhance and support mental and emotional balance for self and others.
  • Instructions in distance healing – how to use the Reiki symbols to direct energy to heal the past or set the stage for future success.
  • Training in Reiki level two sessions for self and others.
  • Hands-on instruction and practice devoted to giving and receiving a Reiki Level Two session.
  • A detailed training manual including the above-mentioned information for future reference.
  • Certificate of completion.

DATE/TIME: This class can be brought to you if you have a space large enough to hold it, at least 6 participants, and one massage table for every 2 students.

LocationSee above guidelines to schedule a class in your area. Curriculum for all classes is portable and can be tailor-made for massage schools, licensed healthcare providers, lay people, organizations, or corporations wanting to introduce healing modalities to consumers or staff. 

Tuition: $250

Registration: Contact Hallie.

Prerequisite: Reiki Level One.

Continuing Education Credits: 8 NCBTMB continuing education credits available for this training.

Information: For more information, contact Hallie.


Integrate this powerful energy work discipline into your client and self-care practice. Polarity Therapy was developed by Dr. Randolph Stone, doctor of Osteopathy, Naturopathy and Chiropractic, over a period of 60 years of practice and study. It represents a synthesis of Eastern and Western healing principles and techniques which positively impact mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing, as well as physical health.

Polarity Therapy is offered on a massage table while the client remains fully clothed. It includes a combination of light and firm pressure contacts, gentle rocking and stretching which promote the flow of life energy throughout the body. It has a sacred quality, putting you in touch with inner guidance and realigning the body to be in harmony with the soul.

This introductory training will offer an overview of Polarity Therapy including the history, theory, terminology, benefits/indications, basic polarity therapy principles and techniques, a demonstration of a general Polarity Therapy Balancing session, supervised, hands-on practice giving and receiving Polarity Therapy techniques, and an introductory manual including all of the above-mentioned information.

Date/Time: This class can be brought to you if you have a space large enough to hold it, at least 6 participants, and one massage table for every 2 students.

Location: See above guidelines to schedule a class in your area. Curriculum for all classes is portable and can be tailor-made for massage schools, licensed healthcare providers, laypeople, organizations, or corporations wanting to introduce healing modalities to consumers or staff. 

Tuition: $80

Registration: Contact Hallie

Prerequisite: None. Please note: This course is intended for massage therapists and licensed healthcare professionals who have a working knowledge of human anatomy.  

Continuing Education Credits: 4 NCBTMB & 4 NYS continuing education credits available for this training.

Information: For more information, contact Hallie.


After completing Reiki Level Two, the next step in moving forward with Reiki training is the Reiki Level Two Extension (R2X) Program. This is a self-study program with mentoring which offers students an opportunity to work with the Reiki Level Two techniques before taking the Master Level training. Within the extension program, the student completes Reiki treatment for 5 different individuals over the course of 3 sessions each. The Level Two techniques and symbols are used in each session and results are tracked using an observation form designed compile data on relief from pain, fatigue, anxiety and stress. During the program, there are 2 scheduled mentoring sessions with the instructor in which the case study notes and results are discussed, guidance is offered and issues are addressed. Mentoring is also available throughout the time it takes the student to complete the program. 

This hands-on experience assists the practitioner to become comfortable offering Level Two Reiki sessions, gain experience in working with the Level Two Reiki symbols and techniques, interact with clients and more fully assimilating the Level Two attunement energies. This all supports an easy transition into Reiki Master Level training. Students have also found this program provides the opportunity and guidance necessary to explore all of the elements of professional Reiki practice. 

DATE/TIME: A self-study program in which the student determines the start and completion dates.

Tuition: $150

Registration Contact: Contact Hallie

Continuing Education Credits: Currently no CE credits available for this training.

Prerequisites: Reiki Level Two certificate of completion.

Information: For more information contact Hallie.


This is the final level of traditional Usui Reiki where students receive the Master Teacher attunement, three master symbols and learn how to teach this healing art to others, including training in passing attunements and all of the practical aspects of teaching well-organized classes with comprehensive information, tools & techniques. This two day training is separated by a period of self study and integration. The two days of in-class study include:

  • A Master Teacher attunement that empowers you to attune students to all 3 levels of traditional Usui Reiki.
  • Powerful breathing techniques to enhance and expand the ability to be a channel for Reiki energy
  • Master symbols used for healing and passing attunements.
  • Instruction and hands-on training in the art of passing attunements for all levels of Reiki.
  • Information and continued instruction in how to teach well organized Reiki classes.
  • A detailed training manual including all of the above-mentioned information for future reference.
  • Access to teaching materials for all levels of Reiki and the opportunity to receive continued mentoring in the practice of teaching Reiki to others.
  • Reiki Master certificate of completion.
  • 16 NCBTMB CE credits

DATE/TIME: This class can be brought to you if you have a space large enough to hold it and at least 4 participants. The Master Level training is a 2-day class separated by a week-long period of self-study in which students are expected to complete 4 hours of homework.

LocationSee above guidelines to schedule a class in your area. Curriculum for all classes is portable and can be tailor-made for massage schools, licensed healthcare providers, laypeople, organizations, or corporations wanting to introduce healing modalities to consumers or staff. 

Tuition: Tuition: $525. Registration deposit: $100. 

Registration Contact: To register, contact Hallie.

Continuing Education Credits: 16 NCBTMB continuing education credits available for this training.

Level Two Extension Program Required: The Master Level training requires completion of the Reiki Level Two extension program. This extension program takes place between Level Two and Master Level training and requires the student to complete documented case studies describing Reiki treatment for 5 different individuals over the course of 3 sessions each. The tuition is $150, includes case study review, discussion and mentoring and can be coordinated individually with Hallie Sawyers. Please see full description for the Reiki Level Two Extension Program in the previous class listing.

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Reiki Level One and Two training, as well as the Level Two Extension Program. Registrants who have taken Reiki Level 1 & 2 training with other Reiki Masters are welcome to attend - just supply copies of your Level 1 & 2 certificates of completion and finish the Reiki Level 2 Extension Program described direcly above.  

Information: For more information, contact Hallie.


IET targets and releases the stored emotional energy at the heart of chronic pain. Do you or your clients struggle with chronic tension that seems connected to emotional stress? Have you addressed muscle tension with massage or energy work techniques only to have those same pain patterns re-emerge? Emotion related to traumas, prolonged anxiety, or difficult experiences is often not fully processed at the time of the event. The body miraculously stores the emotional memory of the event on a cellular level. Subsequent experiences can then trigger that emotion to the surface of consciousness without ever fully releasing it. This negative feedback cycle creates repeating patterns of physical, emotional and mental distress.  

IET is a hands-on healing therapy which targets and facilitates the release of stored emotion from the cellular memory of the body through the use of acupressure-like techniques applied to specific integration points located bilaterally along the spine. It blends effortlessly with other bodywork techniques, enhancing benefits, gently allowing physical equilibrium to return and producing profoundly healing effects. 

For those who are interested in the metaphysical aspects of healing modalities, IET also introduces the concept of angelic healing energy and techniques to use that energy to augment the healing power of IET sessions. For those who have no interest in this realm of healing, it is not necessary to believe in or practice the metaphysical aspects this therapy. IET techniques are a powerful approach to facilitate healing with or without the metaphysical connection.   

In the Basic level training, you learn techniques designed to access and release physical stress related to held emotion that has been stored on a cellular level within the tissue. You will identify power integration points used to facilitate the release of that stored tension from the cellular memory, receive complete training the Basic IET treatment for self and others, a certificate of completion, and a detailed illustrated manual for future reference. Both licensed professionals and the general public are welcome to attend this class.    

DATE/TIME: This class can be brought to you if you have a space large enough to hold it, at least 6 participants, and one massage table for every 2 students.   

Location: See above guidelines to schedule a class in your area. Curriculum for all classes is portable and can be tailor-made for massage schools, licensed healthcare providers, laypeople, organizations, or corporations wanting to introduce healing modalities to consumers or staff.

Tuition: $225

Registration: Contact Hallie.   

Continuing Education Credits: Currently no CE credits available for this training.  

Prerequisites: None. All are welcome: licensed professionals and general public.

Information: For more information, contact Hallie.


Please see previous IET Basic level class description for background information on the focus and intention of this therapy. The IET Intermediate training focuses on the interconnection between bodily tension and patterns of blocked chi within the energy anatomy of the body. Students learn about types of resistant tension common to specific muscle groups and the associated chi blockage causing the tension. Training includes hands-on techniques to identify and clear chi blockage, release associated stored muscle tension, facilitate free flow of energy, reduce physical pain and create reciprocal bodily ease. Students learn the five-step, hands-on IET Intermediate level session protocol, how to integrate tension-release techniques into the therapeutic massage routine, and how to use them as self care and stand-alone methods. Students also receive complete training in the Intermediate IET treatment for self and others, a certificate of completion and a detailed illustrated manual for future reference.

DATE/TIME: This class can be brought to you if you have a space large enough to hold it, at least 6 participants, and one massage table for every 2 students.   

Location: See above guidelines to schedule a class in your area. Curriculum for all classes is portable and can be tailor-made for massage schools, licensed healthcare providers, laypeople, organizations, or corporations wanting to introduce healing modalities to consumers or staff.

Tuition: $275

Registration Contact: Contact Hallie

Continuing Education Credits: Currently no CE credits available for this training. 

Prerequisites: IET Basic certificate of completion. 

Information: For more information, contact Hallie.


Please see previous IET Basic and Intermediate level class descriptions for background information on the focus and intention of this therapy. The IET Advanced Level training focuses on resistant and recurring patterns of held energy that have been stored on a cellular level within the body and can produce muscle tension and pain. Students are introduced to a variety of hands-on techniques to assist in releasing blockage which has proven resistant to previous techniques and attempts at clearing. Protocols focus on both upper and lower body to facilitate free flow of chi, reduce physical pain and create reciprocal bodily ease. Students learn the 12-step hands-on IET advanced level session protocol and participate in hands-on IET advanced level sessions. Students also learn to integrate tension-release methods into the therapeutic massage routine and how to use all techniques as self care and stand-alone methods. For those interested in the metaphysical aspect of the advanced level IET training, training also includes a ‘Soul Star’ clearing to accelerate the soul’s purpose, the Heartnet process to manifest dreams, the Heartwave technique to clear resistance, and the Heartbeam technique to anchor angelic energy into the Earth. Each student receives a certificate of completion and a detailed illustrated manual for future reference. 

DATE/TIME: This class can be brought to you if you have a space large enough to hold it, at least 6 participants, and one massage table for every 2 students.   

Location: See above guidelines to schedule a class in your area. Curriculum for all classes is portable and can be tailor-made for massage schools, licensed healthcare providers, laypeople, organizations, or corporations wanting to introduce healing modalities to consumers or staff.

Tuition: $290

Registration: Contact Hallie.  

Continuing Education Credits: Currently no CE credits available for this training. 

Prerequisites: IET Basic and Intermediate certificate of completion. 

Information: For more information, contact Hallie

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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